Spark Reference

Introduction to the to_json function

The to_json function in PySpark is a powerful tool that allows you to convert a DataFrame or a column into a JSON string representation. This function is particularly useful when you need to serialize your data into a JSON format for further processing or storage.

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. It is widely used for transmitting data between a server and a web application, as well as for storing and exchanging data in various systems.

With the to_json function, you can easily transform your data into a JSON string, which can then be used for various purposes such as sending it over a network, storing it in a file, or integrating it with other systems that expect JSON input.

The to_json function takes a DataFrame or a column as input and returns a new column with the JSON string representation of the data. It provides various options and customization features to control the output format and structure of the JSON string.

In this tutorial, we will explore the syntax and parameters of the to_json function, provide examples illustrating its usage, explain the output format and structure, discuss the available options for customization, highlight performance considerations and best practices, compare it with other related functions in PySpark, troubleshoot common errors, and provide useful tips and tricks for efficient usage of to_json.

By the end of this tutorial, you will have a solid understanding of how to use the to_json function effectively in your PySpark applications and be able to leverage its capabilities to handle JSON data seamlessly. So let's dive in and explore the world of to_json!

Syntax and parameters of the to_json function

The to_json function in PySpark is used to convert a DataFrame or a column into a JSON string representation. It provides a convenient way to serialize data in a structured format that is widely used for data interchange.


The basic syntax of the to_json function is as follows:

to_json(col, options=None)

The function takes two parameters:

  • col: This is the column or DataFrame that you want to convert to JSON. It can be either a single column or an entire DataFrame.
  • options (optional): This parameter allows you to specify additional options for customizing the JSON output. It is a dictionary that can contain various key-value pairs.


Let's take a closer look at the parameters of the to_json function:

  • col: The col parameter is the main input to the to_json function. It represents the column or DataFrame that you want to convert to JSON. This can be any valid column expression or a DataFrame object.

  • options: The options parameter is an optional argument that allows you to customize the JSON output. It is a dictionary where each key-value pair represents a specific option. Some commonly used options include:

    • dateFormat: This option allows you to specify the date format for date columns in the JSON output. By default, the format is set to "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss". You can use various format patterns to represent different date formats.

    • timestampFormat: This option is similar to dateFormat, but it is used for timestamp columns instead. The default format is "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX".

    • nullValue: This option allows you to specify the string representation of null values in the JSON output. By default, it is set to "null".

    • nanValue: This option is used to specify the string representation of NaN values in the JSON output. The default value is "NaN".

    • positiveInf: This option allows you to define the string representation of positive infinity values. The default value is "Inf".

    • negativeInf: This option is similar to positiveInf, but it is used for negative infinity values. The default value is "-Inf".

    • allowNumericLeadingZeros: This option determines whether leading zeros are allowed for numeric values. By default, it is set to false.

These are just a few examples of the available options. You can refer to the official PySpark documentation for a complete list of options and their descriptions.


Here's an example that demonstrates the usage of the to_json function with some options:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame
data = [("Alice", 25), ("Bob", 30), ("Charlie", 35)]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["name", "age"])

# Convert the DataFrame to JSON
json_df =, {"dateFormat": "yyyy/MM/dd"}).alias("json"))

# Show the JSON output

In this example, we create a DataFrame with two columns: "name" and "age". We then use the to_json function to convert the DataFrame to JSON, specifying a custom date format option. Finally, we display the JSON output using the show method.

The resulting JSON output will have the specified date format for the date column, providing a structured representation of the DataFrame in JSON format.

This is just a basic overview of the syntax and parameters of the to_json function. In the following sections, we will explore more examples, customization options, performance considerations, and best practices to help you make the most out of this powerful PySpark function.

Examples illustrating the usage of to_json

To better understand the functionality and usage of the to_json function in PySpark, let's explore some examples that demonstrate its capabilities.

Example 1: Converting a DataFrame column to JSON

Suppose we have a DataFrame called df with the following structure:

|id |name |age    |
|1  |John |25     |
|2  |Jane |30     |
|3  |Alice|28     |

We can use the to_json function to convert a specific column to JSON format. For instance, let's convert the name column:

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json

json_df ="json_name"))

The resulting DataFrame json_df will contain the JSON representation of the name column:

|json_name          |
|"John"             |
|"Jane"             |
|"Alice"            |

Example 2: Customizing the JSON output

The to_json function allows us to customize the JSON output by specifying additional options. Let's consider the following DataFrame df:

|id |name |age    |
|1  |John |25     |
|2  |Jane |30     |
|3  |Alice|28     |

Suppose we want to include only the name and age columns in the JSON output. We can achieve this by using the struct function in combination with to_json:

from pyspark.sql.functions import struct, to_json

json_df =, df.age)).alias("json_data"))

The resulting DataFrame json_df will contain the JSON representation of the name and age columns:

|json_data              |

Example 3: Handling nested structures

The to_json function can also handle nested structures within a DataFrame. Let's consider the following DataFrame df:

|id |details            |
|1  |[John,25]          |
|2  |[Jane,30]          |
|3  |[Alice,28]         |

Suppose we want to convert the details column, which contains an array of values, to JSON format. We can achieve this by using the to_json function:

from pyspark.sql.functions import to_json

json_df ="json_details"))

The resulting DataFrame json_df will contain the JSON representation of the details column:

|json_details         |
|["John",25]          |
|["Jane",30]          |
|["Alice",28]         |

These examples provide a glimpse into the versatility and usefulness of the to_json function in PySpark. Experiment with different scenarios and explore the various options available to fully leverage its capabilities.

Explanation of the output format and structure

The to_json function in PySpark is used to convert a DataFrame or a column into a JSON string representation. Understanding the output format and structure is essential for effectively utilizing the to_json function in your PySpark applications.

Output Format

The output format of the to_json function is a JSON string. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write, and easy for machines to parse and generate. It represents data as key-value pairs, where keys are strings and values can be of various types, such as strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, or even nested JSON objects.

Output Structure

The structure of the JSON output generated by the to_json function depends on the input DataFrame or column. Here are a few key points to understand:

  • DataFrame: When applying to_json on a DataFrame, each row of the DataFrame is converted into a JSON object. The resulting JSON string represents an array of JSON objects, where each object corresponds to a row in the DataFrame. The keys in the JSON objects are the column names, and the values are the corresponding values from the DataFrame.

  • Column: If you apply to_json on a single column, the resulting JSON string represents an array of JSON objects, where each object contains a single key-value pair. The key is the name of the column, and the value is the corresponding value from the column.


To illustrate the output format and structure, let's consider a simple DataFrame with two columns: "name" and "age". Applying to_json on this DataFrame would generate a JSON string with the following structure:

    "name": "John",
    "age": 25
    "name": "Alice",
    "age": 30
    "name": "Bob",
    "age": 35

In this example, each row of the DataFrame is converted into a JSON object, and the resulting JSON string represents an array of these objects. Each object contains the column names as keys and the corresponding values from the DataFrame.


Understanding the output format and structure of the to_json function is crucial for effectively working with JSON data in PySpark. By converting DataFrames or columns into JSON strings, you can easily exchange data with other systems or perform further processing on the JSON data.

Discussion on the options and customization available

The to_json function in PySpark provides several options and customization features to tailor the output format according to your specific requirements. These options can be specified using the options parameter, which accepts a dictionary of key-value pairs.

Available Options


The dateFormat option allows you to specify the format for date and timestamp values in the output JSON. By default, PySpark uses the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX). However, you can customize it by providing a valid date format pattern. For example, if you want to use the format dd-MM-yyyy, you can set the dateFormat option as follows:

df.toJSON().selectExpr("to_json(struct(*)) as json").show(truncate=False, n=1, vertical=True, dateFormat="dd-MM-yyyy")


Similar to the dateFormat option, the timestampFormat option allows you to specify the format for timestamp values in the output JSON. The default format is also ISO 8601 (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX), but you can customize it by providing a valid timestamp format pattern. For example, to use the format yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss, you can set the timestampFormat option as follows:

df.toJSON().selectExpr("to_json(struct(*)) as json").show(truncate=False, n=1, vertical=True, timestampFormat="yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")


By default, the to_json function includes all columns in the output JSON, even if they contain null values. However, if you want to exclude null values from the output, you can set the ignoreNulls option to true. This can be useful when you want to reduce the size of the output or when null values are not relevant for your use case. For example:

df.toJSON().selectExpr("to_json(struct(*)) as json").show(truncate=False, n=1, vertical=True, ignoreNulls=True)


The compression option allows you to specify the compression codec for the output JSON file. By default, no compression is applied. However, if you want to compress the output file to reduce its size, you can set the compression option to one of the supported codecs, such as gzip or snappy. For example:

df.write.json("output.json", compression="gzip")

Customizing the Output

In addition to the options mentioned above, you can also customize the output JSON by manipulating the DataFrame before applying the to_json function. For example, you can select specific columns, rename them, or apply transformations using PySpark's DataFrame API. This allows you to control the structure and content of the resulting JSON."name", "age").withColumnRenamed("name", "full_name").toJSON().show(truncate=False, n=1, vertical=True)

In the above example, we first select the "name" and "age" columns from the DataFrame. Then, we rename the "name" column to "full_name" using the withColumnRenamed function. Finally, we apply the to_json function to convert the modified DataFrame to JSON.

By combining various DataFrame operations and the to_json function, you can achieve the desired output format and structure for your JSON data.

Remember to refer to the official PySpark documentation for a complete list of available options and their detailed explanations.

Now that we have explored the options and customization features of the to_json function, let's move on to the next section to understand the output format and structure of the JSON data.

Performance considerations and best practices

When using the to_json function in PySpark, it's important to consider performance optimizations and follow best practices to ensure efficient usage. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of to_json:

1. Minimize the amount of data being serialized

Serializing data can be an expensive operation, especially when dealing with large datasets. To improve performance, try to minimize the amount of data being serialized by selecting only the necessary columns from your DataFrame before applying to_json. This can significantly reduce the size of the resulting JSON output and improve overall performance.

2. Leverage partitioning and bucketing

If your DataFrame is partitioned or bucketed, take advantage of these optimizations to improve performance when using to_json. By partitioning your data based on specific columns, you can restrict the amount of data being processed, resulting in faster serialization. Similarly, bucketing can help distribute data evenly across files, enabling parallel processing and reducing the time taken for serialization.

3. Consider using a higher compression codec

PySpark provides various compression codecs that can be used to compress the output JSON files. By default, the to_json function uses the Gzip codec, but you can choose a different codec based on your requirements. For example, if you prioritize faster compression and decompression, you can opt for Snappy or LZO codecs. Experiment with different codecs to find the one that strikes the right balance between file size and performance.

4. Avoid excessive shuffling

Shuffling data between partitions can be a costly operation, both in terms of time and resources. When using to_json, try to minimize the need for shuffling by carefully designing your transformations and operations. If possible, use operations like groupBy or repartition to control the data distribution before applying to_json. This can help avoid unnecessary shuffling and improve the overall performance of your application.

5. Optimize cluster resources

To achieve better performance with to_json, it's crucial to optimize the resources available in your Spark cluster. Ensure that you have allocated sufficient memory and CPU resources to handle the serialization process efficiently. Additionally, consider tuning other Spark configurations, such as the number of executors, executor memory, and driver memory, to match the requirements of your workload.

6. Monitor and tune performance

Regularly monitor the performance of your PySpark application using Spark's built-in monitoring tools or third-party solutions. Keep an eye on metrics like serialization time, shuffle read/write, and overall job duration. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify potential bottlenecks and areas for optimization. Experiment with different configurations and techniques to fine-tune the performance of to_json and your entire Spark application.

By following these performance considerations and best practices, you can ensure that your usage of the to_json function in PySpark is efficient and optimized. Remember to benchmark and test your code with different scenarios to find the optimal approach for your specific use case.

Comparison with other related functions in Pyspark

In PySpark, there are several functions that can be used to convert data into JSON format. Let's compare the to_json function with some of these related functions to understand their differences and use cases.

to_json vs toJSON

The to_json function and the toJSON function are often confused due to their similar names. However, there is a subtle difference between them.

The to_json function is used to convert a column or an expression into a JSON string representation. It takes one or more columns as input and returns a new column with the JSON string representation.

On the other hand, the toJSON function is used to convert a DataFrame or a Dataset into a JSON string representation. It takes the entire DataFrame or Dataset as input and returns a new column with the JSON string representation.

In summary, the to_json function operates on individual columns or expressions, while the toJSON function operates on entire DataFrames or Datasets.

to_json vs to_csv

The to_json function and the to_csv function are used for different purposes. While the to_json function converts data into JSON format, the to_csv function converts data into CSV format.

If you need to convert your data into a structured JSON format, the to_json function is the appropriate choice. However, if you want to convert your data into a comma-separated values (CSV) format, the to_csv function is the right option.

to_json vs to_parquet

The to_json function and the to_parquet function are used for different data storage formats. The to_json function converts data into JSON format, whereas the to_parquet function converts data into Parquet format.

JSON format is a human-readable text format, while Parquet format is a columnar storage format optimized for big data processing. If you need to store your data in a self-describing, human-readable format, the to_json function is suitable. However, if you are working with large datasets and require efficient data storage and query performance, the to_parquet function is a better choice.

to_json vs to_avro

The to_json function and the to_avro function are used for different data serialization formats. The to_json function converts data into JSON format, while the to_avro function converts data into Avro format.

JSON format is a lightweight, text-based format, while Avro format is a compact binary format with a schema. If you need to exchange data between different systems or languages, JSON format is a widely supported choice. However, if you require a more compact and efficient serialization format with schema evolution capabilities, the to_avro function is a better option.

to_json vs to_xml

The to_json function and the to_xml function are used for different data representation formats. The to_json function converts data into JSON format, whereas the to_xml function converts data into XML format.

JSON format is a lightweight, text-based format, while XML format is a markup language with a hierarchical structure. If you need to represent your data in a human-readable, self-describing format, XML format is a good choice. However, if you prefer a more concise and widely supported format, the to_json function is more suitable.

In conclusion, the to_json function is a powerful tool for converting data into JSON format, providing flexibility and customization options. Understanding the differences between to_json and other related functions in PySpark will help you choose the right function for your specific use case.

Common errors and troubleshooting tips

Even though the to_json function in PySpark is relatively straightforward to use, you may encounter some common errors or issues while working with it. This section aims to provide you with troubleshooting tips to help you overcome these challenges.

1. Invalid column names or missing columns in the output

When using the to_json function, it's essential to ensure that the DataFrame you are applying it to contains all the necessary columns. If a column is missing or has an invalid name, it may result in unexpected behavior or errors.

To address this issue, you can verify the column names in your DataFrame using the printSchema method. Make sure the column names match the ones you are referencing in the to_json function. If needed, you can rename columns using the withColumnRenamed method before applying to_json.

2. Unsupported data types

The to_json function supports a wide range of data types in PySpark. However, there might be cases where you encounter unsupported data types, resulting in errors.

To handle unsupported data types, you can consider converting them to compatible types before applying to_json. PySpark provides various functions like cast and withColumn that allow you to transform and manipulate data types. Utilize these functions to ensure your DataFrame contains only supported data types.

3. Serialization issues

Serialization errors can occur when attempting to convert complex data structures or objects to JSON using to_json. These errors typically arise when the data contains nested structures or custom classes that cannot be directly serialized.

To resolve serialization issues, you can use PySpark's built-in functions to flatten or transform complex structures into simpler ones before applying to_json. Additionally, you may need to implement custom serialization logic for specific data types or objects.

4. Performance considerations

While using the to_json function, it's crucial to consider the performance implications, especially when dealing with large datasets. Inefficient usage of to_json can lead to slow execution times or even out-of-memory errors.

To optimize performance, ensure that you apply to_json only when necessary. If you need to perform further transformations or analysis on the data, consider applying to_json as one of the final steps in your data processing pipeline. Additionally, leverage PySpark's partitioning and caching mechanisms to improve performance when working with large datasets.

5. Version compatibility

PySpark evolves over time, introducing new features and improvements. It's essential to consider the version of PySpark you are using and ensure that the to_json function behaves as expected.

If you encounter any issues or unexpected behavior with to_json, refer to the official PySpark documentation or community forums to check if the problem has been addressed in a newer version. Upgrading to a more recent version of PySpark might resolve the issue.

Remember, troubleshooting is an integral part of the learning process. By understanding and addressing common errors, you'll become more proficient in using the to_json function effectively.

Useful tips and tricks for efficient usage of to_json

Here are some useful tips and tricks to help you efficiently use the to_json function in PySpark:

1. Understanding the input data

Before using the to_json function, it is important to have a clear understanding of the input data. Ensure that the data you are converting to JSON is in a format that can be easily serialized. This will help avoid any unexpected errors or inconsistencies in the output.

2. Handling complex data types

PySpark's to_json function can handle complex data types such as arrays, maps, and structs. When working with these data types, make sure to properly define the schema and structure of the data. This will ensure that the resulting JSON output is accurate and well-formed.

3. Customizing the JSON output

The to_json function provides options for customizing the JSON output. You can specify additional parameters such as dateFormat and timestampFormat to control the formatting of date and timestamp values in the JSON output. Experiment with these options to achieve the desired JSON format for your data.

4. Handling null values

When dealing with null values in your data, it is important to handle them appropriately. By default, the to_json function will omit null values from the JSON output. However, you can use the nullValue parameter to specify a custom representation for null values in the JSON output. This can be useful when integrating with other systems that expect a specific representation for null values.

5. Performance considerations

While the to_json function is efficient for converting data to JSON, it is important to consider performance implications when working with large datasets. Avoid unnecessary transformations or conversions before using to_json to minimize processing overhead. Additionally, consider using distributed computing techniques such as partitioning and caching to optimize performance when working with big data.

6. Error handling and troubleshooting

In case you encounter any errors or unexpected behavior while using the to_json function, refer to the PySpark documentation and error messages for troubleshooting guidance. Common issues may include schema mismatches, unsupported data types, or incorrect parameter values. Understanding these potential pitfalls will help you debug and resolve any issues efficiently.

By following these tips and tricks, you can make the most out of the to_json function in PySpark and effectively convert your data to JSON format.