Spark Reference

Understanding current_timestamp in PySpark

PySpark's current_timestamp function is a simple yet powerful tool for adding and working with timestamps in your data processing tasks. This function generates the current timestamp at the start of query evaluation, returning it as a TimestampType column. What makes it particularly useful is its consistency within a single query execution - every call to current_timestamp during the same query will yield the exact same timestamp value.

How Does current_timestamp Work?

current_timestamp is straightforward to use because it does not require any arguments. It's designed to capture the exact moment your query starts executing, ensuring that all instances of current_timestamp used in the query reflect the same moment in time. This behavior is crucial for maintaining consistency in your data transformations and analyses.

Key Characteristics:

  • No Arguments Needed: current_timestamp is called without any parameters.
  • Consistent Within a Query: All calls to this function within a single query return the same timestamp, reflecting the query's start time.
  • Returns a TimestampType Column: The function wraps the current timestamp in a column, making it easy to add to a DataFrame.

Practical Uses of current_timestamp

Adding a Timestamp Column

One common use case for current_timestamp is to add a timestamp column to a DataFrame. This is particularly useful for tracking when data rows were processed or added. For example, you might want to add a "processed_at" column to your DataFrame to keep track of when each row was last updated.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import current_timestamp

# Initialize SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("timestamp_example").getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame
data = [("Alice", 1), ("Bob", 2)]
columns = ["Name", "ID"]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, schema=columns)

# Add a timestamp column
df_with_timestamp = df.withColumn("processed_at", current_timestamp())

Comparing Timestamps

Another application of current_timestamp is in comparing timestamps within your data. Since current_timestamp provides a consistent reference point for the duration of the query, you can use it to filter or modify rows based on their temporal relationship to the query's execution time.

For instance, you might want to identify rows that were created or modified before the query started, using current_timestamp as a benchmark.


current_timestamp is a versatile function in PySpark that allows you to work with timestamps in a consistent and straightforward manner. Whether you're adding timestamp information to your DataFrames or performing time-based data analysis, current_timestamp offers a reliable way to capture and compare times within your Spark applications.