Spark Reference

Introduction to the isnan function

The isnan function is a built-in function in PySpark that checks whether a value is NaN (Not a Number) or not. NaN is a special floating-point value that represents the result of an undefined or unrepresentable mathematical operation.

In PySpark, the isnan function is primarily used to identify missing or invalid numerical values in a DataFrame or a column. It returns a boolean value, where True indicates that the value is NaN and False indicates that the value is not NaN.

The isnan function is useful for data cleaning and preprocessing tasks, where it allows you to identify and handle missing or invalid values in your dataset. By using isnan, you can filter out or replace NaN values with appropriate values or perform specific operations based on the presence or absence of NaN values.

Syntax and usage of the isnan function

The isnan function in PySpark is used to check if a value is NaN (Not a Number). It returns True if the value is NaN, and False otherwise.

The syntax for using the isnan function is as follows:


Here, col is the column or expression to be checked for NaN.

The isnan function can be used with various types of columns, such as numeric columns or columns containing floating-point values.

Example usage

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import isnan

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame with a column containing NaN values
data = [(1, float('nan')), (2, 3.14), (3, float('nan'))]
df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["id", "value"])

# Use the isnan function to check for NaN values in the 'value' column"id", "value", isnan("value").alias("is_nan")).show()


| id|value|is_nan|
|  1|  NaN|  true|
|  2| 3.14| false|
|  3|  NaN|  true|

In the above example, the isnan function is used to create a new column called "is_nan" that indicates whether the "value" column contains NaN or not.

Explanation of the return value and behavior of isnan

  • The isnan function in PySpark checks if a value is NaN (Not a Number).
  • It returns a boolean value, True if the value is NaN, and False otherwise.
  • The isnan function can be applied to columns or individual values in a DataFrame or RDD.
  • When applied to a column, it returns a new column with boolean values indicating whether each element in the column is NaN or not.
  • If applied to an individual value, it directly returns a boolean value indicating whether the value is NaN or not.
  • The isnan function is case-sensitive, so it only recognizes the string "NaN" as NaN. Other variations like "nan" or "NAN" will not be recognized as NaN.
  • If the input value is not a numeric type, the isnan function will always return False, as non-numeric values cannot be NaN.
  • The isnan function is useful for filtering or manipulating data based on the presence of NaN values.
  • It can be used in combination with other functions like filter or when to perform conditional operations on NaN values.
  • It is important to note that isnan only checks for NaN values and does not handle other types of missing or null values. For handling missing or null values, other functions like isnull or isnanullable should be used.

Tips and best practices for using isnan effectively

  1. Understand the purpose of isnan: The isnan function in PySpark is used to check if a value is NaN (Not a Number). It is particularly useful when working with numerical data that may contain missing or invalid values.

  2. Handle missing values appropriately: Before using isnan, it is important to handle missing values in your data. PySpark provides various functions like isNull and isNotNull to check for null values. Make sure to handle null values before using isnan to avoid unexpected results.

  3. Use isnan with caution: While isnan is a handy function, it is important to use it judiciously. Consider the context and requirements of your analysis before using isnan. In some cases, it may be more appropriate to use other functions like isnull or isnanan depending on the specific use case.

  4. Combine isnan with other functions: isnan can be combined with other PySpark functions to perform more complex operations. For example, you can use isnan along with when and otherwise functions to replace NaN values with a default value or perform conditional operations.

  5. Test your code: As with any code, it is crucial to test your implementation of isnan to ensure it is working as expected. Create test cases with both NaN and non-NaN values to verify the behavior of your code.

  6. Consult the PySpark documentation: The PySpark documentation provides detailed information about the isnan function, including any specific considerations or limitations. Refer to the official documentation for additional guidance and examples.

Remember, using isnan effectively requires a good understanding of your data and the specific requirements of your analysis. By following these tips and best practices, you can leverage the isnan function to handle NaN values efficiently in your PySpark code.