Spark Reference


In PySpark, the explain method is a powerful tool that provides insights into the execution plan of a DataFrame or RDD operation. It helps in understanding how Spark will execute a given operation and can be extremely useful for debugging and optimizing queries.


The explain method can be called on a DataFrame or RDD object and has the following syntax:

  • df: The DataFrame or RDD object on which explain is called.
  • extended (optional): A boolean flag indicating whether to display additional details in the execution plan. By default, it is set to False.

How explain Works

When explain is called on a DataFrame or RDD, Spark generates and displays the execution plan for the given operation. The execution plan describes the series of transformations and actions that Spark will perform to compute the result.

The execution plan is displayed in a tree-like structure, where each node represents an operation or a stage in the computation. The nodes are organized hierarchically, with the root node representing the final result.

Understanding the Execution Plan

The execution plan displayed by explain provides valuable information about how Spark will execute the operation. It includes details such as:

  • Physical Plan: The physical plan describes the actual physical operations that Spark will perform to compute the result. It includes operations like filtering, shuffling, sorting, aggregations, etc.

  • Optimizations: Spark applies various optimizations to improve the performance of the execution plan. The explain output shows the optimizations that Spark has applied, such as predicate pushdown, column pruning, and more.

  • Data Sources: If the operation involves reading data from external sources, the explain output also includes information about the data sources, such as the file format, location, and any applied filters or projections.

  • Metrics: Spark provides various metrics related to the execution plan, such as the number of input/output rows, data size, execution time, and more. These metrics can help in understanding the performance characteristics of the operation.

Using explain for Debugging and Optimization

The explain method is a powerful tool for debugging and optimizing PySpark queries. Here are some scenarios where explain can be particularly useful:

  1. Identifying Performance Bottlenecks: By analyzing the execution plan, you can identify potential performance bottlenecks in your query. Look for operations that involve shuffling, sorting, or large data transfers, as they can impact performance.

  2. Understanding Optimizations: The execution plan shows the optimizations applied by Spark. By examining these optimizations, you can gain insights into how Spark is optimizing your query. This knowledge can help you write more efficient queries in the future.

  3. Validating Query Rewrites: Sometimes, Spark rewrites your query to optimize it. The explain output allows you to validate whether the query has been rewritten as expected. If the rewritten plan is not as desired, you can consider rewriting the query explicitly to achieve the desired execution plan.

  4. Comparing Execution Plans: If you have multiple ways to express the same query, you can use explain to compare the execution plans and choose the most efficient one. This can be particularly helpful when dealing with complex queries or when experimenting with different optimization techniques.


The explain method in PySpark is a valuable tool for understanding the execution plan of DataFrame or RDD operations. By analyzing the execution plan, you can gain insights into how Spark will execute your query, identify performance bottlenecks, and optimize your queries for better performance. Understanding explain and utilizing it effectively can greatly enhance your PySpark development and debugging skills.