Spark Reference

Introduction to array_contains function

The array_contains function in PySpark is a powerful tool that allows you to check if a specified value exists within an array column. This function is particularly useful when dealing with complex data structures and nested arrays.

With array_contains, you can easily determine whether a specific element is present in an array column, providing a convenient way to filter and manipulate data based on array contents.

In this section, we will explore the functionality and usage of the array_contains function, providing you with a solid foundation to leverage its capabilities effectively.

Before diving into the details, it's important to note that array_contains operates on array columns, which are collections of elements of the same data type. These arrays can be created using PySpark's built-in functions or by transforming existing columns.

Now, let's take a closer look at the syntax and parameters of the array_contains function to understand how it can be utilized in your PySpark applications.

Syntax and parameters of array_contains

The array_contains function in PySpark is used to check if a specified value exists within an array column. It returns a boolean value indicating whether the value is present or not.

The syntax for using array_contains is as follows:

array_contains(column, value)
  • column: This is the array column in which we want to search for the specified value. It can be an array of any data type.
  • value: This is the value that we want to check for existence within the array column. It should be of the same data type as the elements in the array.

The array_contains function returns True if the specified value is found in the array column, and False otherwise.


Let's consider an example to understand the usage of array_contains:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame with an array column
data = [("John", ["apple", "banana", "orange"]),
        ("Alice", ["grape", "kiwi", "mango"]),
        ("Bob", ["pear", "apple", "banana"])]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["name", "fruits"])

# Use array_contains to check if "apple" exists in the "fruits" column
result ="name", array_contains(df.fruits, "apple").alias("has_apple"))


| name|has_apple|
| John|     true|
|Alice|    false|
|  Bob|     true|

In the above example, we have a DataFrame with a column named "fruits" which contains arrays of fruits. We use array_contains to check if the value "apple" exists in the "fruits" column. The resulting DataFrame includes a new column "has_apple" that indicates whether each person has "apple" in their list of fruits.

It's important to note that array_contains performs an exact match. It checks if the specified value is present as an exact element within the array. If the array contains multiple occurrences of the value, it will return True only if the value is present as a distinct element.

Now that we understand the syntax and usage of array_contains, let's explore some common use cases for this function.

Examples of using array_contains

The array_contains function in PySpark is a powerful tool for working with arrays. It allows you to check if a specified value exists within an array column. In this section, we will explore some examples to demonstrate how to use array_contains effectively.

Example 1: Checking if a value exists in an array

Let's say we have a DataFrame called data with an array column named numbers. We want to check if the value 5 exists in the numbers array for each row.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a sample DataFrame
data = spark.createDataFrame([(1, [1, 2, 3]), (2, [4, 5, 6]), (3, [7, 8, 9])], ["id", "numbers"])

# Use array_contains to check if 5 exists in the numbers array
result = data.filter(array_contains(data.numbers, 5))

# Show the result


| id|  numbers|
|  2|[4, 5, 6]|

In this example, the array_contains function is used within the filter operation to select only the rows where the numbers array contains the value 5. As a result, the row with id equal to 2 is returned, as it is the only row that satisfies the condition.

Example 2: Using array_contains with nested arrays

array_contains can also be used with nested arrays. Let's consider a DataFrame called data with a nested array column named matrix. We want to find all rows where the matrix array contains the value [2, 3].

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a sample DataFrame with nested arrays
data = spark.createDataFrame([(1, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]), (2, [[5, 6], [2, 3]]), (3, [[7, 8], [9, 0]])], ["id", "matrix"])

# Use array_contains to check if [2, 3] exists in the matrix array
result = data.filter(array_contains(data.matrix, [2, 3]))

# Show the result


| id|      matrix|
|  2|[[5, 6], [2, 3]]|

In this example, the array_contains function is used to filter the rows where the matrix array contains the value [2, 3]. As a result, the row with id equal to 2 is returned, as it is the only row that satisfies the condition.

These examples demonstrate the basic usage of array_contains in PySpark. By leveraging this function, you can easily check for the existence of specific values within array columns, even when dealing with nested arrays.

Common use cases for array_contains

The array_contains function in PySpark is a powerful tool that allows you to check if an array contains a specific element. This function is commonly used in various scenarios, and here are some of the most common use cases:

1. Filtering Data

One of the primary use cases for array_contains is filtering data based on the presence of a specific element in an array column. For example, let's say you have a DataFrame with a column named tags that contains an array of tags associated with each record. You can use array_contains to filter the DataFrame and retrieve only the records that have a specific tag.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import array_contains

# Create a SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

# Create a DataFrame with a column of tags
data = [("Record 1", ["tag1", "tag2"]),
        ("Record 2", ["tag2", "tag3"]),
        ("Record 3", ["tag1", "tag3"]),
        ("Record 4", ["tag4"])]

df = spark.createDataFrame(data, ["record", "tags"])

# Filter the DataFrame to retrieve records with "tag1"
filtered_df = df.filter(array_contains(df.tags, "tag1"))

# Show the filtered DataFrame

This will output:

|  record|      tags|
|Record 1|[tag1,tag2]|
|Record 3|[tag1,tag3]|

2. Counting Occurrences

Another common use case is counting the number of occurrences of a specific element in an array column. This can be useful when you want to analyze the distribution of elements within the array. By leveraging array_contains, you can easily count the occurrences of a particular element.

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, sum

# Count the occurrences of "tag1" in the "tags" column
occurrences ="tags"), "tag1")))

# Show the count

This will output:

|sum(array_contains(tags, tag1))|
|                         2    |

3. Joining Data

array_contains can also be used to join two DataFrames based on the presence of a specific element in an array column. This can be particularly useful when you have two DataFrames with related data and want to perform a join operation based on a common element within an array.

from pyspark.sql.functions import explode

# Create a second DataFrame with additional information for each tag
tag_info = [("tag1", "Info 1"),
            ("tag2", "Info 2"),
            ("tag3", "Info 3"),
            ("tag4", "Info 4")]

tag_info_df = spark.createDataFrame(tag_info, ["tag", "info"])

# Explode the "tags" array column in the original DataFrame
exploded_df ="record"), explode(col("tags")).alias("tag"))

# Join the exploded DataFrame with the tag_info DataFrame based on the "tag" column
joined_df = exploded_df.join(tag_info_df, exploded_df.tag == tag_info_df.tag)

# Show the joined DataFrame

This will output:

|  record| tag|   tag|   info|
|Record 1|tag1|  tag1|Info 1 |
|Record 1|tag2|  tag2|Info 2 |
|Record 2|tag2|  tag2|Info 2 |
|Record 2|tag3|  tag3|Info 3 |
|Record 3|tag1|  tag1|Info 1 |
|Record 3|tag3|  tag3|Info 3 |
|Record 4|tag4|  tag4|Info 4 |

These are just a few examples of the common use cases for array_contains in PySpark. By leveraging this function, you can easily filter, count, and join data based on the presence of specific elements within array columns, enabling you to perform complex data manipulations efficiently.

Performance considerations and limitations

When using the array_contains function in PySpark, it's important to keep in mind some performance considerations and limitations. Understanding these aspects will help you optimize your code and avoid potential issues.

Performance considerations

  1. Data size: The performance of array_contains can be affected by the size of the data being processed. If you have large arrays or datasets, the function may take longer to execute. It's recommended to analyze the size of your data and consider potential optimizations if needed.

  2. Data distribution: The distribution of data across partitions can impact the performance of array_contains. Uneven data distribution may result in skewed workloads, leading to slower execution times. It's advisable to ensure a balanced distribution of data across partitions for better performance.

  3. Data type: The performance of array_contains can vary depending on the data type of the array elements. Certain data types, such as primitive types, generally perform better compared to complex types. Consider the data type of your array elements and its potential impact on performance.

  4. Hardware resources: The performance of array_contains can also be influenced by the available hardware resources. Factors like CPU, memory, and disk speed can affect the overall execution time. It's recommended to allocate sufficient resources to your PySpark cluster to ensure optimal performance.


  1. Single element search: The array_contains function is designed to check if a single element exists in an array. It does not support searching for multiple elements simultaneously. If you need to search for multiple elements, you may need to use alternative approaches or combine array_contains with other functions.

  2. Nested arrays: While array_contains can handle arrays of any depth, it's important to note that the function only checks for the presence of an element at the top level. It does not perform recursive searches within nested arrays. If you have nested arrays and need to search for elements at deeper levels, you may need to use other functions or custom logic.

  3. Case sensitivity: By default, array_contains performs case-sensitive searches. This means that it distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters. If you require case-insensitive searches, you will need to preprocess your data or use additional functions to achieve the desired behavior.

  4. Performance trade-offs: Depending on your specific use case, there might be alternative approaches that offer better performance than array_contains. It's recommended to evaluate different options and consider trade-offs between simplicity and performance to choose the most suitable solution for your needs.

Understanding these performance considerations and limitations will help you make informed decisions while using the array_contains function in PySpark. By optimizing your code and being aware of its limitations, you can leverage this function effectively in your data processing tasks.

Tips and Best Practices for Using array_contains

When working with PySpark's array_contains function, there are a few tips and best practices that can help you effectively utilize this function in your data processing tasks. Here are some recommendations to keep in mind:

1. Understand the Functionality

Before using array_contains, it is essential to have a clear understanding of its purpose and functionality. The function is designed to check if a specified value exists within an array column. By comprehending its behavior, you can leverage this function to efficiently filter and manipulate data.

2. Ensure Column Type Compatibility

To use array_contains effectively, ensure that the column you are applying it to is of the array type. If the column is not an array, you may encounter unexpected results or errors. If needed, you can use PySpark's built-in functions to convert columns to arrays before using array_contains.

3. Handle Null Values

When using array_contains, it is crucial to consider how null values are handled. If the array column contains null values, array_contains will return null as the result. Therefore, it is recommended to handle null values explicitly before applying array_contains to avoid unexpected behavior in your data processing pipeline.

4. Leverage Filtering and Transformation

One common use case for array_contains is filtering data based on the presence of a specific value in an array column. To achieve this, you can combine array_contains with PySpark's filtering capabilities, such as filter or where. This allows you to efficiently extract the desired subset of data that meets your criteria.

5. Consider Performance Implications

While array_contains provides a convenient way to check for the existence of a value in an array, it is important to be mindful of performance considerations. When working with large datasets, using array_contains on arrays with a significant number of elements may impact the overall performance of your PySpark job. Consider the size of your arrays and the computational resources available to ensure optimal performance.

6. Test and Validate Results

As with any data processing operation, it is crucial to test and validate the results of using array_contains. Verify that the function behaves as expected and produces the desired outcomes. By thoroughly testing your code, you can ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data processing tasks.

By following these tips and best practices, you can effectively utilize array_contains in your PySpark workflows, enabling you to efficiently work with array columns and extract valuable insights from your data.